Featured TFOL: Alexander Paschoaletto


Lego Gumpert Apollo and SSC AeroApologies for the blogging hiatus over the past few days; some of our Elves went missing at roughly the same time as TLCB became embroiled in a legal dispute. We’re not suggesting the two occurrences are linked of course, but if anyone’s going to lock the Elves in a dark room it’s going to be us. Anyway, back to something we’ve not done for a while; a long overdue ‘Featured Teenage Fan Of Lego’ (TFOL).

Our Featured TFOL category is not about blogging the absolute best creations found, rather it allows us to recognise, and publicise, younger builders’ achievements. Alexander Paschoaletto earns the accolade this time round, with a string of solid automotive efforts, culminating in the superb Gumpert Apollo and SSC Aero shown above. You can check out these, and the rest of Alexander’s creations, on MOCpages.