More Monster Truck


Lego Baja Trophy Truck

After removing the controls of yesterday‘s monster truck from the Elves before there could be any smushings one of them got one over us today.

In the hands of the aforementioned employee the Baja trophy truck above managed to squash most of our smelly little workforce long before we noticed anything was amiss and – thanks to the new SBrick – controlling the chaos could be done by the Elf in hiding.

Order has now been restored and the jubilant Elf responsible ejected from TLCB Towers by way of the office catapult, giving us the chance to scrape some damaged Elves out of the carpet and – more importantly – have a go at the driving ourselves.

The beast in question is the work of Egor Karshiev (aka rm8) and it’s E.P.I.C. Underneath the trophy truck bodywork are two LEGO buggy motors powered by two LiPo batteries, plus a servo motor for steering, three sets of LEDs and the SBrick control unit. All of this sits on top of some of the bounciest Technic suspension we’ve ever seen and the result is a Technic model that’s faster than anything made from Lego has a right to be.

You can read all about Egor’s creation and see the full gallery of images on MOCpages, plus you can appreciate how half our workers were squashed so thoroughly by watching the truck in action in Egor’s awesome video here.