Santa Claus is Coming to Town!

Lego Santa's Hot Rod

He’s making a list, he’s checking it twice, he’s got a hot rod for crossing the ice, Santa Claus is coming to town!

When Santa isn’t commanding his magic sleigh he’s still got to get around, and – looking as he does like the missing member of ZZ Top – we think he’s probably got a pretty cool ride.

Previous bloggee sm 01 thinks so too, and he’s built Mr. Claus the perfect vehicle for a rockin’ journey across the frozen wastes of the North Pole. You can see more of Santa’s Hot Rod on Flickr at the link above.

Lego Santa Sleigh

2 thoughts on “Santa Claus is Coming to Town!

  1. Pingback: Santa-Charged | THE LEGO CAR BLOG

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