Not a Car


Tug 01

“Not a Car” is The Lego Car Blog’s default title for the ‘planes, trains, boats, spaceships and other stuff that we occasionally feature here which is not a car (or truck, or lorry, or other motorised thing with wheels). JPascal Taipei has created this tug boat, only it’s not a tug boat, it’s sort of a spaceship. Only it floats in the air, so it’s an airship but it doesn’t have a gas bag, so it’s not an airship. You begin to see why sci-fi causes chaos and confusion in the TLCB editorial suite. Regardless, we think that it’s rather nicely designed and we like the clockwork winch play feature. You can see more of it and its Lego siblings from the strange world of Ian McQue by following this link to JPascal’s Photostream.