And It Was All Yellow


Lego John Deere 75G Excavator

The Lego Car Blog Elves are simple creatures, and they do not like change. Over the past year or so they’ve made excellent progress learning the names of colours, thanks largely to our Smarties-based reward system and its practical application to what they find. Unfortunately though, today this constant was thrown into disarray, leading – of course – to an immensely violent Elf-fight. Sigh.

Now that we’ve cleared up the office we can blog the cause of today’s disruption. This most excellent John Deere 75G mini-excavator is the work of Flickr’s amusingly-named Mathijs Bongers, and it’s brilliantly detailed.

However, as any TLCB Elf will tell you, John Deere tractors are Green. Massey Fergusons are Red, and JCBs are Yellow, but John Deeres are definitely Green. The more observant among you may have noticed that this John Deere is not Green at all, but is resplendent in JCB Yellow, and unfortunately a confused Elf is often a violent Elf.

We’ve now straightened out that this build is a John Deere, a Yellow Smartie has been awarded, and an explanation has been given confirming that not all tractors of one brand have to be the same colour.

While we enjoy the peace that this revelation brings here at TLCB Towers you can check out the details of Mathijs’ superb Model Team John Deere 75G at his photostream – click the link above if you dig it.