Technic Tacoma


Lego Technic Toyota Tacoma 4x4

[Elven Screaming]… [Thump!]… [Elven Screaming]…

Sigh. It’s been a while since we’ve had a mass Elf squashing here in the office, but today, thanks to builder Madoca 1977, we were reminded what it feels like to slide a spatular underneath a flattened mythical creature to prise it out of the carpet. Still, in this situation it’s considerably better than being an Elf.

The cause of the carnage was this, Madoca’s (brilliant) Technic Toyota Tacoma pick-up. With remote control drive and steering, plus a two speed gearbox, it’s a model that is marginally faster than some of our fatter Elves. That’s Darwinism in action right there kids.

The aforementioned Elves would have caused a traction issue for most remote control models once they became smushed underneath the wheels, but Madoca’s Technic Tacoma not only features four-wheel-drive and front and rear suspension, but locking differentials too, meaning that even with three wheels lifted off the ground the fourth will continue to drive the truck forward.

With the model now safely under our control and the jubilant Elven discoverer contentedly cashing in its meal-token, we have an exciting half an hour ahead of us tidying up, so whilst we get on with that you can check out all of the images of Madoca’s superb Toyota pick-up at the Eurobricks discussion forum, where there’s also a video of the truck in action.