Rapid Raptor


Lego RC Ford Raptor Sariel

If you were wondering where we were before today’s posts, seeing as things had gone very quiet here at TLCB, let us explain. It’s all Sariel‘s fault.

This is his awesome remote control Ford Raptor Trophy Truck; a twin buggy Motor propelled, long-travel suspension Technic monster, with a 15km/h top speed.

A typical TLCB Elf cannot run at 15km/h. At least not for a sustained period. And thus, as has become standard practice in TLCB Towers, our Elves were duly mown down in the corridors by the delighted Elven pilot of Sariel’s machine.

So fast, nimble and tough is Sariel’s Raptor that almost every Elf in the office at the time became a road traffic accident statistic (if we ever bothered to record the casualties), before the driver finally lost control and crashed the Ford into the water cooler and alerted staff to the carnage.

With the victims mostly patched up and all the errant Elven body parts put into the food recycling tub we’ve been able to return to blogging today, so whilst we go through our mailbox and award Smarties to successful Elves (including the one responsible for today’s smushing), you can check out Sariel’s brilliant Ford Raptor Trophy Truck by clicking here, plus you can watch it in action courtesy of the excellent video below.

YouTube Video: