Lego CAT 434E Remote Control Backhoe

Lego CAT 434E Remote Control Backhoe

4 thoughts on “Lego CAT 434E Remote Control Backhoe

    1. thelegocarblogger

      Hello Xavier

      Thanks for your message. Like everything we post this is not an official LEGO set and thus is not available to buy in stores.

      However you can contact the builder directly to enquire if the model is for sale. Click on the words ‘Cat’s Claw’ next to the image to be taken to the blog post text, in which you will find a direct link to the builder.

      Good luck

      TLCB Team

      1. thelegocarblogger

        Hello Ashwani

        Like almost everything we post this is not an official LEGO set and was not ‘bought’, but ‘made’.

        You can see more by clicking on the words ‘Cats Claw’ next to the image.

        TLCB Team


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