Chris Roach


Lego Metroplex Titan Transformer

The Lego Car Blog Elves, normally in an excitable frenzy when anything from the Transformers franchise is found, are today cowering in the corner. Because this is standing in the middle of The Lego Car Blog Towers, Chris Roach‘s incredible 33 inch tall Metroplex Titan Transformer.

Metroplex Titan is here because Chris Roach (aka boyzwiththemosttoyz) has become the fifth Master MOCer in TLCB’s interview series. Read Chris’ Lego story below.

When did you first get into Lego and what was your first set?
When I was about 6 during a family vacation … it was a little fire chief car with fire chief minifig that my parents bought be to keep me pacified for the car ride. Little did they know what an obsession it would become….

How did you get started in the AFOL Community? 
I found my old bricks in my parents’ basement while searching for some other old toys to sell on eBay. I started messing around with my old collection and started building creations based on some of my favourite childhood toys: Star Wars Transformers and GI Joe and started posting them to the net when I realized there was a whole community of adult builders.

What’s your favourite LEGO set or theme?
I am not really into official themes as I buy large amounts of loose brick – but if I had to choose, it was Star Wars that peaked my interest to start building again as an AFOL.

Who is your favourite MOCer? 
Allan Yap, who really deserves more attention, I might add. I saw one of his Legoformers way back – he has a distinctive style and it sparked my interest in creating transformable Lego models.

What is your favourite MOC?
I always enjoy translating Optimus Prime into bricks as he has always been one of my favourite characters.

What’s your favourite brick?
Ratchet/Click Joints. They help give life and articulation to my creations!

How do you start a build? 
When I get inspired, I head straight to my workshop / man cave. I just start building and see where it goes. I do not do a lot of preplanning, I prefer working out ideas in bricks and see how they turn out and how they can be applied to my MOCs.

What makes your designs unique to you? 
Since a lot of my creations are working Transformers – I think its like making two models in one without having to take anything apart. The engineering is also a fun aspect of making transforming MOCs. .

Who do you think will be a talent for the future?
Alex Wong – he has a great ability to use new engineering techniques to make transformable MOCs.

What’s next? 
Well there is a 6ft long Rebel Blockade Runner I started many years ago that is calling out for attention.

A huge thanks to Chris for taking the time to become our fifth Master MOCer, and for giving us a day of peace and quiet in The Lego Car Blog office whilst Metroplex has come to visit. If you’d like to see more Chris’ work make sure you check out his excellent website, his Flickr photostream, or his MOCpages account at these links.