Smoked Cheese


Lego Transformers G1

The ’80s theme continues here at The Lego Car Blog, and today it’s our own workforce of horrible little Elves that are the delighted beneficiaries.

Such is their well-documented love for all things Transformers-related that we were forced to instate a ‘No Transformers until you find a MOC’ policy, often reinforced by the use of the office air-horn.

Mr. Air-Horn is slumbering silently today though, because the Elves are downstairs happily watching the original 1980s Transformers ‘G1’ cartoon series. This rare demonstration of staff generosity is reward for today’s find; two superb G1 Transformers Nissan 300ZXs created by Alex Wong of MOCpages.

‘Smokescreen’ and ‘Bluestreak’ can both fit a mini-figure inside and they feature some of LEGO’s awesome retro printed pieces, but their real party-trick is – naturally – a very slick transformation. You can see how Alex has done it by visiting his MOCpage via the link above, whilst we join the Elves for a bit of cartoon watching…