We’re Going to Need a Bigger Bucket…



…and actuators and tyres and pretty much everything else too. This beast of machine comes from Hong Kong based builder Shineyu and was discovered by our Elves on the Eurobricks Technic forum. It’s on such a massive scale that normal Technic tyres have had to be replaced with non-Lego RC car ones. The linear actuators are built from scratch, as is the bucket: 42030‘s is just too small.  Click the link in the text to see more photos, including comparisons with standard Lego parts and click below to see the machine in action.

N.B.  You’re probably wondering why a TLCB post featuring a piece of large, Power Functions construction equipment contains no references to chaos, smushings, Elf fights and the other usual stuff.  Well you’ve been reading this blog for long enough to expect that this all happened as usual but on a far, far larger scale.  Right, we’re off to browse eBay for a bulk buy of compressed air canisters for Mr. Airhorn and stain remover for the office carpet.