The Skytanic


Lego Skytanic Steampunk Ship

She’s finally ready! Departing Maersk Pier on her maiden voyage to Belleville, the Royal Yacht ‘Skytanic’ is the largest, fastest, and most luxurious skyliner ever built. Five stories of cabins, restaurants and bars, the world’s first on-board heated pool, and – of course – the Royal Pavilion, there is surely no finer way than the Skytanic to sail the skies.

Masterminded by Flickr’s Markus Ronge, the Skytanic is deemed to be indestructible. The favoured ship of the Royal family, super-rich industrialists, and the highest of society, she’s sure to have a long and illustrious career navigating the clouds between Ninjago and Belleville. Take a look at all of the glorious photographs from the Skytanic’s maiden launch at Markus’s photostream, whilst we await her successful arrival in Belleville in a few weeks time.