Billy Goat’s Steam Boat


Fabuland, LEGO’s 1980s range of anthropomorphic animals (and frankly one of the weirder things the company has done) seems to have been hijacked of late, by builders intent on seeing the peaceful critters blow one another’s brains out (see here, here and here).

It’s refreshing therefore to see that there are still harmless, some would say pointless, gentle adventures underway in the Fabuland world, thanks to Pete Strege and his most excellent ‘Billy Goat’s Steam Boat’.

Of course The Lego Car Blog Elves are absolutely incensed by this lack of violence, and have left the office in disgust, so a side benefit is that we can now have harmless gentle adventures too. This TLCB Writer might even read a book.

There’s more to see of Pete’s lovely paddle steamer at his Flickr album by clicking here, and we’ll be back shortly with something far more Elven…