

Lots of things travel between Europe and the Middle East. Drunk British tourists and weaponry seem to the primary exports, whilst the imports aren’t always that great either, but there’s lots of stuff to celebrate, with much of it travelling the Seriously Long Way between the two continents in trucks like this.

Built by Master MOCer Dennis Bosman (aka legotrucks), this brilliant classic Scania LB141 complete with a superb Astran Europe-Middle East livery (designed by fellow Master MOCer Dennis Glaasker (aka Brickonwheels)) is one of the thousands of trucks that route their way between the two land masses.

Spectacular detailing is evident throughout the build, with both the truck and trailer recreated beautifully in Lego form, with a tilting cab, accurate engine, working steering, trailer support legs, and – to emphasise the Middle Easterness – a pair of brick-built camels not shown here.

There’s much more to see of the Astran truck, trailer, and camels at Dennis’ Scania LB141 Flickr album – click the link to join the journey along the Silk Road, plus you can read Dennis’ Master MOCers interview here at TLCB via the first link in the text above.