UCS 76023 Batman Tumbler Preview


Lego 76023 Tumbler

When Christopher Nolan reloaded the tired Batman franchise back in 2005 his critically-acclaimed Dark Knight trilogy created new icons in cinema history. The late Heath Ledger will probably best be remembered for his spectacular performance as the Joker, and Batman’s new (completely real, drivable and road-legal) wheels blew away anything that had been seen before.

To be revealed at Comic-Con this week, LEGO has immortalised both Ledger and the Tumbler in brick form, with the incredible 76023 Ultimate Collector Series Tumbler.

Measuring over 15 inches long and 9 inches wide the Tumbler features 1,869 pieces – including both Batman and Heath-Ledger-Joker mini-figures – as well as the usual UCS fact sheet.

Expect 76023 to retail for around $199 when it reaches stores in September of this year. We can’t wait!