Duelling Pullbacks!


Gene Lunchbox

In contrast to the feature packed Technic models of our recent posts comes a pair of builds from Gene 3S. Gene’s Flickr and MOCpages listings feature an array of cute vehicles, with his latest including LEGO’s pullback motor for added fun. Tamiya’s Wild Willy and Lunchbox radio controlled cars have been delighting drivers both young and old for 15 years now. The Jeep also features a roller on the back to hold in position as it wheelies across the floor, as do both of Gene’s cars.

The Elves who found these builds have been giggling all day. This is partly because of the sugar rush from the yellow Smarties that they were rewarded with and partly because of the rather rude names that Tamiya chose for these RC vehicles. The Elves have minds almost as dirty as their smelly, unwashed bodies and enjoy a good double entendre. They’ve also been having fun trying to recreate Gene’s brilliant YouTube video, which you can watch below or click this link to see more photos on MOCpages.