Mercury Rising


Lego 1946 Mercury Sportsman

This beautiful classic ’46 Mercury Sportsman convertible comes from TLCB favourite, Master MOCer, and Flickr legend Ralph Savelsberg aka Mad Physicist. A re-working of a model he built back in 2008, Ralph’s Sportsman has been significantly updated with LEGO’s newer pieces and it reminds us superbly of just how good American cars used to be before they ended up like this.

Mercury, created by the Ford Motor Company in the mid 1930s, was killed off during the restructuring of America’s ‘Big Three’ auto manufacturers following the financial crisis in 2011, but by that point its products were little more than appallingly bland re-badged Fords anyway. Mercury’s 1940s offerings were far more interesting – Take a trip back to to 1946 courtesy of Ralph via the link above.