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Lego Technic RC Excavator

It’s not all exotic supercars and space-based ants here at TLCB. Sometimes we like humble workhorses too, like this mini excavator, as found on small building sites the world over. This Technic version, pictured here removing Elf droppings, has been built by Anto of Eurobricks and it’s a miracle of packaging, with no less than nine working functions.

Two infrared receivers control four functions each, and a gearbox adds a ninth, allowing the model to drive and skid-steer via independently controlled tracks, rotate the turret, raise, lower, rotate and extend the arm, raise and lower the front blade, and pneumatically open and close the bucket. How all that fits inside is a mystery that the collective mind of TLCB is unable to fathom, but if you’re smarter than us you can give it a go via the Eurobricks discussion forum – click the link above if you dig it.