A Space Classic


Lego Classic Spaceship

We don’t often publish sci-fi builds here at The Lego Car Blog. This is mostly because we’re a Car Blog, but partly because we understand sci-fi about as well as Kim Kardashian understands plumbing.

Today though, we are posting about sci-fi – and we do understand it – because this kids, is Classic Space!

Classic Space (or just ‘Space’ at the time) was LEGO’s hugely successful sci-fi theme in the 1980s. Colours were blue, grey and trans-yellow, missions were exclusively science and exploration – never conflict, and everyone was always smiling.

Sadly the theme ended before this TLCB Writer was old enough to walk, but it paved the way for such gems as Futuron, M-Tron, Blacktron and Space Police. Today though, we’re remembering the original, thanks to Jon Blackford’s wonderful Neo Classic Space Hanger.

Complete with an LL221 spacecraft, a variety of classic space vehicles, a multitude of classic spacemen, and some beautiful-looking blue lighting, Jon’s build is the prefect homage to LEGO’s long-dead theme. It uses some truly brilliant building techniques too that are well worth further investigation.

Take a look for yourself at Jon’s Flickr album and via MOCpages.