Big Train*


Lego CP 1408 Locomotive

Just like your Mom, today’s model is much, much larger than you think it’s going to be. Riding on brick-built wheels (each made from nineteen pieces), Andre Pinto‘s CP 1409 locomotive is a seven thousand piece Goliath, with another seven thousand pieces in the brick-built tracks and base.

These engines were constructed in England in the 1960s for use in Portugal, where 67 of them pulled pretty much anything across the country. Andre’s creation replicates the original locomotives beautifully and there’s more to see at his Flickr album via the link above, plus you can join the discussion at the Eurobricks forum here.

*The surreal British comedy from which today’s title is taken. Good if you want to see what Simon Pegg did before he was a famous movie star, not so good if you want to laugh…