To the Shops!


Lego Technic Wheel Dozer RC

It’s only one sleep until very probably our least favourite day of the year. Yes Black Friday is on the horizon once again, when the customers of Walmart will likely knife one another over a half-price toastie maker. TLCB’s home nation, copying everything that America does, seems to have gone equally nuts this year, and if you think the British are more civilised and will queue quietly for a discounted television, you are very much mistaken.

As has become customary, we won’t be partaking in the madness, but if you do choose to join the mindless zombie hoards you could do worse than pick a vehicle like this to assist you. It’s called a ‘wheel dozer’, being half wheel-loader, half bull-dozer, and it would be perfect for getting to the front of the Black Friday riots.

This excellent remote controlled Technic version comes from Superkoala and features 4×4 drive, articulated steering, pendular suspension, an inline-6 piston engine, and a hefty raising/lowering front blade. It also includes third-party BuWizz brick providing bluetooth control and – more handily – up to eight times the power of LEGO’s own Power Functions set-up. This means it should have no problem pushing rival shoppers out of the way or, in our case, TLCB Elves on whom we’ve been ‘testing’ it.

Whilst we avoid the ridiculous greed, fights, and soul-destroying consumerism of Black Friday by seeing how many Elves we can push simultaneously into the cleaning cupboard, you can see more of Superkoala’s superb Technic wheel dozer at both Flickr and the Eurobricks forum, plus you can watch the model in action via the video below.

YouTube Video