The Fastest Hunk of Technic in the Galaxy


Lego Technic Millennium Falcon

Making the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs, defeating the Death Star, rescuing Princess Leia, defeating the Death Star again… the Millennium Falcon has done many things worthy of Star Wars fandom, but the ship has never appeared in Technic form, which is – frankly – all that matters.

Until now that is. Jeroen Ottens received a commission to build a Technic Falcon and he’s done just that, immortalising the modified YT-1300 Corellian light freighter (we Wikipedia-ed it!) in Technic form. There’s a working access ramp, a fully articulated gun turret, and – to the joys of those here at TLCB who have to respond to our mailbox – there are even instructions available too!

There’s more to see of Jeroen’s super starship at both the Eurobricks forum and on Flickr, where a link to building instructions can also be found. Make the jump (in less than twelve parsecs) via the links above.