Is This Even a Car Blog Any More?….


A fair question. But we would think that because we’re the ones asking it. Anyway, enough inner-monologue, because we are still a car blog (there’ll be an awesome car appearing here tomorrow), but we had three Elves return with sci-fi builds today and there’d have been a fight had we not blogged them.

They are all excellent though, and they begin with Marco Marozzi‘s ‘Buddha Heavy mech’ (above) so called because it has precisely nothing in common with the ancient Indian philosopher.

Next up we have a neo-classic spaceship from John Lamarck, with very probably the coolest design of any spaceship ever. Two inter-connected rings circle a spherical cockpit, suspended in the middle by magic (we presume), whilst two rotating engines mounted on one of the rings power the craft.

Lastly we have this, a spectacularly intricate spacecraft by Nick Trotta. Called the ‘Refraction R/99’ it features a single-wing design with a centrally mounted mini-figure cockpit complete with a very jazzy canopy cover.

There’s more to see of each of today’s three sci-fi builds on Flickr via the links in the text above, and we’ll be back tomorrow with an actual car. We promise.