
A new attempt at a ‘Dune’ movie arrived in cinemas this month, which – unlike past films baring the name – actually looks rather good. Cue today’s creation, which is entitled ‘Fresh Duner’, so we’re in no way using the aforementioned film to trick unwitting movie-goers to this crumbling corner of the internet.

The ‘Fresh Duner’ comes from Martin Vala, and it looks like a combination of a Dakar and Extreme E racers. Martin’s constructed it in Gulf colours too, which would be ironic if it raced in the latter formula, but nevertheless it looks fab here.

The brilliantly bodywork sits atop a wonderfully life-like chassis, with brick built steering and suspension components adding a dose more realism to Martin’s concept racer. A desert backdrop completes the build, and there’s more to see of Martin’s ‘Fresh Duner’ at his photostream via the link above.