Tag Archives: Caterham



This TLCB writer is finally able to start the count down to Christmas as the office-wide ban on mentioning the holidays in posts expired last night! Cue something red, fast, and open top. No, not Santa’s sleigh (hah, got one in already!) (Don’t push it. Ed.), but this rather wonderful 5-wide Caterham Seven 1600, as built by RGB900 of Flickr.

Despite its tiny size there’s no doubting which make and model of car RGB’s creation is replicating, which – although being wholly inappropriate for winter – often seem to appear on the roads over the Christmas holidays. Because British people are mad.

There’s more to see of RGB’s brilliant Seven at his photostream via the link, plus you can check out LEGO’s rather larger officially-licensed 21307 Caterham Seven set here.