Tag Archives: Gigahorse

Mod My Horse


It’s been a while since one of our the Elves found a ‘Mad Max: Fury Road’ creation, but they’re now all happily watching it in their cage room giving us a few hours of peace.

Their reward comes courtesy of Flickr’s Kale Frost, who has recreated the double-decker Cadillac from the post-apocalyptic movie rather well in Lego form. He’s also done so by basing his design loosely (very loosely) on an existing set, uploading a video alongside his model that provides a few hints to how the process to turn a LEGO set into something else entirely can begin. As the No.1 question we receive here at TLCB is ‘How do I build this?…’ it could prove a useful watch for many readers.

Head to Kale’s photostream via the link above for more images, and if you’re yet to try building your own creations and are unsure of how to start, take a look at the video – it could be the beginnings a whole new building chapter…