Tag Archives: monowheel

Repeatedly Roving


As this year’s Febrovery contest draws to a close we have a few more lunar rovers to share with you, mostly because it’s all TLCB Elves will bring back into the office at the moment. We’ll have to do something about that*, but until then here are two more (admittedly great) sci-fi builds.

First up is Andreas Lenander‘s ‘MW-2P’, a spacey mono-wheel that looks perfect for couples married more than a few years. Roll into Andreas’ photostream via the link to see more.

Today’s second lunar rover looks equally fun, coming from ‘Rob‘ (who must have the most straightforward Flickr handle ever), and he’s applied some wonderful photo editing to bring his rover to life. Click the link above to blast across the surface of some far-away planet!

*We may well hi-jack Febrovery in ’22. Not all Rovers are in space…