Tag Archives: Road Runner

Road Runner


Lego Plymouth Superbird

This spectacular Model Team creation was discovered on Flickr by one of The Lego Car Blog’s multitude of Elves (if anyone knows what the collective term for Elves is please let us know). It’s a 1970 Plymouth Superbird, built by the car geniuses Bing-Bong Brothers. The Superbird was the American manufacturers first attempt at applying downforce to a race car, with the aim of generating more stability and grip for NASCAR oval racing.

The rules stated that the race car must be based on a road-going vehicle, and thus Plymouth created just under 2,000 Superbirds for the road, so you could look as ridiculous on the street as it looked on the track. You might think the colossal rear wing was placed optimally to generate maximum downforce whilst minimising drag, but actually it’s that high simply to allow the trunk lid to open!

It’s estimated around 1,000 Plymouth Superbirds survive today, and those that remain are amongst the most expensive and sought after muscle cars ever built. You can see more of the ‘Brothers far more affordable LEGO version at their excellent photostream via the link above.