Tag Archives: Wolf

Slick Ships!


FW 190

Variety is spice of life“, and here at The Lego Car Blog we like to add flavour to our diet of automotive builds with the occasional aeroplane, train, ship or spacecraft. Our Elvish workers hate variety. They much prefer a predictable diet of Lego, Smarties and violence: sometimes varying it in the form of violence, Smarties and Lego; or just violence served on its own.

First on today’s menu is Damien Labrousse’s “Space Wulf 190”. This sleek machine features a ventral fin almost as large as the one on top. Fortunately it folds neatly out of the way when the undercarriage deploys, allowing the ship to land safely.

Featured below is Chris Perron’s aggressively agile “Kronos” fighter. This features smoothly brick-built wings and some great trans-fluorescent details, which add some zing to the subtle, grey colours. You can see more of each ship by clicking the links in the text.