Tag Archives: refuse

Pure Garbage


…is something the content of this website is routinely called in the comments. Which is mostly correct of course. Today’s creation can handle it though, being this brilliant Technic garbage truck (or ‘bin lorry’ where this writer is from).

Constructed by previous bloggee Thirdwigg (aka Wigboldy), the model is absolutely packed with working functions, the first of which has nothing to do with its garbage processing ability at all.

Thirdwigg has created a ‘Hybrid’ drivetrain for the truck, with the wheels turning either a traditional piston engine under the tilting cab, a brick-built ‘electric’ motor, or a combination of both, with a switchable differential doing the job of the power-control-unit that features on real-world Hybrid powertrains.

It’s a superb replication of the system used by many new vehicles, heavy trucks and buses included, and one we think could appear in all sorts of Technic models going forward, particularly as Thirdwigg has made building instructions for his design available.

Away from the trick powertrain and a wealth of Technic functionality continues, with four-wheel steering, a working bin lifting mechanism, a two stage cycle for garbage extraction, a linear actuator driven extractor plate, and an opening rear hopper, all of which are controlled via hand-powered mechanisms thanks to conveniently placed knob-gears though-out the model.

Over a dozen top quality images are available to view at Thirdwigg’s ‘Hybrid Garbage Truck’ album on Flickr, where a link to the aforementioned building instructions can also be found, plus you can watch all of the model’s working features in action via an excellent YouTube video.

Click the links above to take out the garbage, whilst we get back to writing it.