Tag Archives: TerraPro

Free Plowing*


Lego Mack TerraPro DSNY

New York is a city where summers are hot and winters are freezing. This means a variety of civil service vehicles need to be deployed to cope with the swing in the weather; bins need emptying a lot in the heat and roads need clearing of snow in the cold.

New York’s Sanitation Department seems cleverer than most though, as someone there had the genius idea of fitting their refuse collection trucks with a snowplow. The trucks need to navigate the streets to collect refuse anyway, so why not have them clear the snow at the same time?

This brilliant Town-style replica of a snowplow-equipped Mack TerraPro refuse truck used by the New York Department of Sanitation comes from Flickr’s sponki25 and it not only looks the part but it’s packed with neat features too. There’s more to see at sponki’s photostream – click the link above to check it out.

*Insert appropriate ‘Your Mom’ joke.