Tag Archives: Przemek

Blog of the Month – The Surma Lego Brothers

Surma Lego Brothers 6530

When the weather is very, very bad we have to keep the Elves locked up at TLCB Towers in case they blow away. To prevent fights from breaking out we have to find ways of entertaining them and drawing pictures of cars is a natural favourite. There are also prizes of green Smarties (they’re the best kind) for the best efforts. You can therefore imagine the delighted grin on the face of the Elf who came into the office this morning, clutching handfuls of brightly coloured artwork of Lego cars and spaceships. Unfortunately for him, we quickly spotted the signatures of Polish brothers Marcin and Przemek Surma and so he was rewarded with a sharp blast from the airhorn.

The Surma brothers have been posting their colourful re-interpretations of classic Lego sets on their blog since January 2012. They have sustained an impressive rate of one a week. Marcin (Xulm) and Przemek’s (Surpiko) work covers two decades, with Xulm mainly covering the ’90s and Surpiko mostly doing the ’80s. Their art is a wonderful way to revisit the Lego of your childhood and see it through new eyes. Perhaps you might spot something that you missed the first time round, such as the beautiful ladies of Classic Space, as in Surpiko’s version of the 6870 Space Probe Launcher below. We bet you thought that they were all blokes! Younger builders will find inspiration in the fantasy shapes and colours too. Whatever your age, this fun and creative blog is well worth visiting at this link. The Elves have been busy printing out more pictures and sticking them to the fridge with magnets, along with their cheating colleague. Don’t worry: we’ll let him down before bedtime.

Surpiko 6870 Surma Lego Brothers