Back in Black

Lego Blacktron APC

The crafty reprobates of Blacktron have been keeping a low profile for these past fifteen years. Once the most formidable group in the galaxy, Blacktron made a living from Space Evil, which is much like regular Evil, only in it occurs space. It seemed that by 1993 though, their number was up, and Blacktron mini-figures were subsequently only to be found in the cells of the Space Police.

However it seems not all of Blacktron’s members were caught, with some disappearing into the cosmic underground to plot a glorious return. Emboldened by the recent resurgence of other classic space civilisations, the dastardly mini-figures of Blackton have decided that now is the time to stage their comeback, and what a machine they’ve built to do it!

With six enormous wheels, a fully appointed ten-crew interior, a rotating gun turret, and – in true old-school LEGO space style – a smaller scout vehicle hidden within itself, the Blacktron B-59 armoured personnel carrier is ready to help the Blacktron empire rise once again!

Andreas Lattanzio aka Norton74 is the Space General (which is much like a regular General, only in space) behind Blacktron’s triumphant return and you can see more of what they’ve got planned at the link above. Your move Space Police…

Lego Blacktron APC

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