Tag Archives: Sirius

The Search for Red Rackham’s Treasure

Lego Tintin Sirius

The Lego Car Blog’s offices don’t have a classy desk area with those little brass plaques and fancy green desk lights. We do have a mostly-stocked beer fridge and a shrine to Megan Fox behind the photocopier though, and not many workplaces can say that.

However, if we did have a fancy desk area we’d love to place this in it. This beautiful creation is a mini-figure scale replica of the Sirius ship used by Tintin in the search for Red Rackham’s treasure, and it’s ludicrously pretty. Built by previous bloggee Stefan Johansson there are gorgeous details and ingenious building techniques in abundance, and there’s much more of Stefan’s wonderfully photographed vessel to see on Flickr. Click the link above to hoist anchor.