Popcorn Wagon

Lego Hot Rod Popcorn Waggon

It’s hot here at TLCB Towers and we’re feeling a bit lazy. However, the good news for us is that this find comes with a description already written! So, over to the model’s creator, Lino M, to explain all:

“A strange phenomenon existed in the ’60s and ’70s called the show rod. Basically these were outrageously themed hot rods that could start with anything from a bathtub to a set of bunk beds and, from there, pushed the limits to what a car can be. While guys like George Barris and Ed “Big Daddy” Roth were on the forefront of this movement, one of the most famous show rods was the Popcorn Wagon designed by the lesser known Carl Casper. Was it practical? No. Was it over-the-top? Most definitely. Does it look like it was designed by a 10 year old boy with an overactive imagination? Heck yes! But that was the point of the show rod. While kids and adults enjoyed building the outrageous model kits at home, true to all Carl Casper creations, the original car has never been sold to anyone. Can it go fast? No one knows. His creations have never even seen a drop of fuel or oil.

This LEGO replica roughly resembles the original (with some minor changes) and was built for the LUGNuts Summer Of ’69 challenge all about 60’s era cars.”

And there you have it; our laziest post ever. Thanks Lino! Check out his Popcorn Wagon on Flickr via the handy link.

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