
Lego Liebherr LH60 Timber

Splosh. [Elven screaming]. Splosh… Hmm… that doesn’t sound good. One weary walk down the corridor here at TLCB Towers later and the source of the disturbance was found. It’s been a while since an Elf brought back a remote control find to wreak havoc, but today old habits were resumed and havoc was indeed being wreaked.

This culprit was at the controls of this, gkurkowski of Brickshelf’s enormous fully functioning Leinherr LH60 timber grab. Despite featuring a beautifully engineered remote control all-wheel drive and steering system, the Liebherr was much too slow to run down and squash any Elves. Luckily for the pilot however, gkurkowski’s LH60 model also includes a remotely controlled rotating superstructure, two-peice pneumatic boom extension and a working grab, and it’s these features it choose to deploy.

Held aloft by its ears, an Elf was being repeatedly dunked in a toilet, in a manner similar to that used by public school bullies. Funny as this may have been, the Elves are not allowed in the TLCB Executive Washroom and Sauna so we had to put a stop to it. The very glum-looking victim is now sitting atop a radiator to dry out, whilst the victor has escaped with a yellow Smartie, and we’re left to have a go with the Liebherr ourselves.

Whilst we do that (for research) you can see loads more of the build, including some interesting work-in-progress shots, on Brickshelf – grab a look via the link above.

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