Tag Archives: Noel Harrison

A Wheel Within a Wheel

Wheeling across a planet, within Neo-Classic Space
A spaceman’s on a journey, with a smile upon his face
Like a boulder down a mountain, or a supersonic boom
Blasting into space, pointed directly at the moon
Like a clock whose hands are sweeping, in a never-ending race
As the universe expands, at an ever-growing pace
Like the circles that you find, in the windmills of your mind…

One of music’s most mind-meltingly trippy songs, doctored by a TLCB Writer who really should be doing something more useful, to accompany a mind-meltingly trippy vehicle from builder martin.with.bricks. There’s more to see of Martin’s Neo-Classic Space monowheel speeding across a planet at his photostream – click the link above to enter the windmill of your mind.