Tag Archives: DHL

The Robot Apocalypse…

…is coming, and it won’t be sentient Matrix or Terminator-style death machines that bring it. No, it’ll be the humble mechanised workers that will rise up against their human overlords, bored of fetching, carrying, and operating under Amazon’s working practices.

Cue Tyler (aka Legohaulic)‘s pair of DHL robots; the self-explanatory ‘Autonomous Forklift’ and the mysterious ‘Locus Bot’. Each is a brick-built replica of a soon-to-be-terrifying DHL warehouse robot, constructed for DHL conference attendees that are unaware of the pandora’s box they’re opening.

There’s more to see of both builds at Tyler’s photostream, and you can take a look via the link above whilst this TLCB Writer hoards canned foods in the basement of TLCB Towers.

Town Trucks Special

Lego DHL Truck

We’re not quite sure how many Elves we have (they are extremely difficult to count), but we think it’s in the high twenties, depending on how many have been lost on any given week to dogs, the office printer, or their own vigilante justice system.

However many it is, we were very surprised to be greeted this morning by no less than five of them waiting relatively patiently in TLCB office, each holding a find. The surprise continued when we discovered that every one of their five finds was blog-worthy, and all were from the same builder. As we’re feeling generous they’ve each been awarded a meal token and Smartie and thus we have five great models to show you today!

Lego Long-Nose Truck

They come from Steffen Kasteleiner (or Buff83ST as he is known on Flickr), who has recently uploaded a whole range of beautifully classic-looking Town style trucks, like this brilliant long-nose semi above.

Lego -U-Haul Truck

Whilst his trucks are only at the large end of Town-scale – being around 7 studs wide – Steffen has included expert detailing, like the opening doors, functioning steering and the lovely brick-built logos you can see on this classic U-Haul truck.

Lego John Deer Tractor

Steffen’s work isn’t limited to trucks either, as he’s turned his hand to tractors such as this John Deere, and also to aircraft, with some superb planes available to view at either his MOCpages or Flickr accounts.

We highly recommend a visit to Steffen’s pages to see more of the models shown here, as well as his previously uploaded trucks, planes, and pick-ups; click on either of the links in the text above to see all of his work!

Lego Fuel Tanker