Not a Car

Lego Mitsubishi Zero

But it was made by a car manufacturer, and very probably their most famous product too. This is of course a Mitsubishi A6M Zero fighter from the Second World War, and it’s been neatly recreated in Lego form by James C of MOCpages. James’ updated build includes a mini-figure pilot, working landing gear, and custom decals, and there’s more to see on MOCpages via the link above.

2 thoughts on “Not a Car

    1. thelegocarblogger

      Hello Bonde

      Thanks for you message. Occasionally we do post updates to models, or new photographs. In this case we forgot that we’d featured this last year! We did check on MOCpages to see if this was a re-post and it passed somehow. An Elf was probably taking liberties…

      TLCB Team


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