Tag Archives: World Cup

Deutsch Meister

Lego Mercedes-Benz SEL AMG

What better way to celebrate tonight’s German triumph in the 2014 Brazil World Cup here at TLCB than with the most German of cars; the Mercedes-Benz AMG*! This particular car is the one that started it all, the awesome 6.8 litre V8 SEL.

TLCB favourite and frequent bloggee Senator Chinchilla is the builder behind this Model Team classic AMG racer, and he’s uploaded a superb gallery showcasing his latest creation to Flickr. Join the German celebration and check it out here!

*We’re very relieved that Argentina were runners up. We had no idea what to post if they’d won.

Yes M’Lady

Lego Thunderbirds FAB1

The phrase made famous by Thunderbirds’ permanently morose chauffeur Parker, whom shuttled Lady Penelope about her business in the brilliant 6-wheeled FAB1 Rolls Royce.

This spectacular Miniland scale version of the legendary car is the work of Stephen Sander, and was suggested to us via the Feedback page by a swift-spotting reader. Stephen has recreated the Roller beautifully, including the retro-tastic interior, and has photographed his model on location at Herrenhausen Royal Gardens to great effect.

Photographing a Rolls Royce in Germany might seem a little out-of-sorts, but they are of course now German-owned and that gives us a seamless link into the Germany vs. Argentina World Cup Final tonight!

We’ll be back after the Final with our new feature series. It has nothing to do with either Germany or Argentina, but it is rather good. Until then you can check out Stephen’s FAB1 at either MOCpages or Flickr. Thunderbirds are Go!

Lego Thunderbirds Rolls Royce

Modified Miata

Lego Mazda MX-5 Miata

Mazda’s MX-5 / Miata is one of TLCB office’s very favourite cars. Small, light, cheap and enormous fun, it’s just like the Elves. Apart from you’d need to replace ‘and enormous fun’ with ‘little shits’.

Sorry if we’re grumpy today, the Elves started one hell of a fight last night after we let them watch some of the World Cup. With no known nationality the Elves tend to support whichever team is more violent, and thus when a Columbian kneed a Brazilian in the spine one of them immediately replicated the move on a colleague, sparking a mass Elf-fight. Sigh.

With order restored and the main protagonists removed from the office by way of TLCB catapult, we can get back to blogging cars. This one is small, light, cheap and enormous fun, and it comes from previous bloggee Rhys’ Pieces. His brilliant Mazda MX-5 Miata features a host of tasteful* modifications that are seen regularly on the thousands of Miatas that race every weekend. To see more of his excellent model take a trip to Flickr via the link above.

*Apart from the massive camber (or ‘stance’). Which always sucks. Why Rhys, why?

Mazda MX-5 Miata roll cage