Tag Archives: 275 GTB

An Elegant Weapon From a More Civilised Age…


…to paraphrase Obi Wan Kenobi. Marc R.unde has produced this 6-wide Ferrari 275 GTB. It recalls a more elegant age of sports cars, with its flowing lines. Click this link to see more photos of this car and Marc’s massive space-battleships, by way of contrast, on Flickr.

Ferrari 275 GTB – Picture Special

Lego Ferrari 275 GTB

This beautiful creation is a near-perfect scale replica of Ferrari’s magnificent 275 GTB, and it comes from a long-lost car builder Thomas Poulsom aka DeTomaso Pantera. Tom’s been busy over the last few years campaigning for his LEGO Ideas Birds project. With his Birds models now in stores around the world it’s great to see Tom back with the genre where we met him.

Lego Ferrari 275 GTB

Built as a collaboration with TLCB legend Nick Barrett this Ferrari 275 replica was commissioned by the owner of the real car, someone who clearly has an equal sharing of money as taste! Being a partly Nick Barrett creation this 275 GTB features a fully working and beautifully engineered chassis underneath the spectacular full-stud bodywork. More details of this will likely surface soon, but until then you can check out the stunning exterior images via Tom’s Flickr photostream at the link above, plus you can read more about the builder (and his past collaboration with Nick) in the very first entry in our Master MOCers series here.

Lego Ferrari 275 GTB