Tag Archives: Esso

Esso Service 1953 – Picture Special

Lego Esso Garage 1953 Norton74

This magnificent 1953 Esso service station is the work of previous bloggee Andrea Lattanzio (aka Norton74) and it’s probably as close to perfect as a Lego creation can possibly be.

Designed by Dutch architect Willem Dudock 112 of these beautiful structures were built across the Netherlands following World War 2 in order to meet the needs of the rapidly expanding road network. Dudock’s brief was to design a station that was cheap and simple to construct, and that minimised the raw material usage – a critical factor for a country rebuilding itself after years of conflict.

Lego Petrol Station Esso

Andrea’s incredible recreation of Dudock’s ingenious design is not light on raw material however, as every conceivable detail has been replicated perfectly in Lego form, from the beautiful art deco fuel pumps (attended by Andrea’s previously blogged Volkswagen Transporter) to the brilliantly detailed workshop tooling.

We highly recommend taking a trip Andrea’s wonderful Flickr Photostream where you can see more of the Netherlands in 1953, and we may also be seeing more of Andrea here at TLCB soon

Lego Esso Garage Dudock 1953

Put a Tiger in Your Tank

Lego VW Transporter Esso

This gorgeous replica of Volkswagen’s classic T1 Transporter comes from TLCB favourite and previous bloggee Andrea Lattanzio aka Norton74. The latest version in his line of classic Volkwagens, Andrea’s newest build depicts the iconic van in an unusual 1950s canvas pick-up specification, and it looks absolutely wonderful. Complete with an Esso oil barrel load and some superb exterior decals it’s one of the most realistic models that we’ve found this year. We highly recommend further viewing via Andrea’s Flickr photostream – put a tiger in your tank at the link above.

Lego VW Type 2 Transporter

Put a Tiger In Your Tank*

Lego Tiger Tank

Today’s amazing creation comes from one of the best Lego builders in the world, the brilliant Sariel. Sariel has featured here a few times over the years (use the Search function at the bottom of the page to see his previous works), and this might be his most impressively engineered creation yet.

It’s a Second World War German Tiger tank, and it’s had a lot stuffed inside it.** Underneath the beautifully recreated armour are no less than nine(!) LEGO motors, powering the drive, skid steer, barrel, machine gun, V12 piston engine and a whole lot more besides. All this rides on some remarkable oscillating suspended tracks that allow the Tiger to float over obstacles.

Lego World War RC Tank

You can see all the photos and specs on MOCpages via the link above, you can visit Sariel’s website via our Directory, and we highly recommend watching Sariel’s excellent video below, complete with that rarest of things in a Lego video – an ace soundtrack.

YouTube Video:

*Points to those of you who know the reference.

**Like your Mom.