Tag Archives: Hovercraft

LEGO Technic 42120 & 42121 | Set Previews

The crack team of TLCB Elves dispatched over The LEGO Company’s perimeter wall at the end of 2020 had – we thought – all returned. By ‘all’ we actually mean ‘the survivors’, as each year we always lose a couple to German Shepherds with a taste for Elf meat. A simple ‘ceremony’ is held for those that didn’t make it, by which we mean they’re crossed off a list, and then we all get on with our lives.

Today though, we’ve got to get the TipEx out and add two names back onto the list, because a pair of Elves have miraculously returned, weeks after they were thought lost/eaten!

We’re not sure what took them so long, and we probably never will as we don’t understand the jibber-jabber of Elvish, but we’re pleased they’ve made it back, because it means we can share two more new-for-2021 Technic sets!

The first is this rather fetching orange contraption, the 42120 Rescue Hovercraft, or ‘Luftkissenboot fuer Rettungseinsaetze’ in German (it’s a beautiful language).

Aimed at ages 8+, 42120 includes 457 pieces – many of which are orange which is excellent – and features thrust propellors that rotate as the model is pushed along, and working steering that both turns the hidden wheels underneath and swivels the aforementioned fans.

Decals are included a-plenty and there’s a reasonable looking B-Model too. Expect 42120 to cost around $35/£30 when it reaches stores in March of 2021.

The second cause of today’s Elf-list-amendment is another new 8+ set, the excellent looking 42121 Heavy Duty Excavator. A purely mechanical set, 42121 includes around 100 pieces more than 42120, two of which are small linear actuators that operate the excavating movement.

A pair of hand-powered cogs drive these to extend the boom and tip the bucket, and it’s great to see mechanical functions are still (sometimes) alive and well in the Technic range – although there is a risk of these being rather annoying in practice, based on our past experience.

Superstructure rotation and rolling tracks are present too, and 42121 also includes a few extra details like warning cones and some ‘rubble’ for added playability. A slightly odd B-Model completes the set and you can expect it to cost around $45/£40 when it reaches stores later this  year.

We think these two additions to the 2021 Technic line-up are rather good ones, joining a range that looked pretty strong already.

You can take a look at the other 2021 Technic sets revealed here via the Search box (just type ‘Preview’ in it), and you can check out our reviews of past years’ sets via the Review Library.

Take a look whilst we try to convince our Administrator that adding the Elves back onto the list is probably less work than Option B.

Hasbro Hovercraft

This TLCB Writer was never allowed an ‘Action Man’ (or G.I. Joe to most of you). Deemed as too violent, Lego was the alternative, which is fortunate as otherwise you might not be reading this post.

MadLEGOman of Flickr was allowed G.I Joe toys though, having owned this magnificent hovercraft as a kid. Now an adult of sorts, Mad has recreated one of his favourite childhood toys in Lego form, complete with mini-figure-manned machine guns, cannons, and rocket launchers. Perhaps my Mom had a point.

There’s more to see of Mad’s G.I. Joe hovercraft at his photostream – click the link above to make the jump! If your Mom lets you…

Monkeying Around in the Arctic

Tammo S.‘s colourful sci-fi hovercraft has run into some problems in the snow. Indeed snowflakes from the crash-landing still spatter its windscreen. Fortunately the pilot has found a nicely-shaped chunk of Lego ice floe to land on. He’s come prepared with a cooking stove and tools to fix the fault too. If he really gets stuck, he can always shelter in the well appointed cockpit that has been provided with lots to read and unusually, a potted plant.

Click here to see more details. Alternatively, as it’s sci-fi on The Lego Car Blog, click here for today’s tenuous link to British pop music.

And Now for Something Completely Different*

Lego Town City Hovercraft

We’re not sure what’s got into the Elves at the moment (apart from the usual glue paste, pencil sharpenings and other stolen office supplies, plus the occasional Smartie) – nor for that matter, what’s got into you our readers, but no-one’s finding any cars. So here’s a neat Town hovercraft with the most original use for rubber tracks we’ve seen in ages. Frantisek Hajdekr is the builder and you can see more here.

*We promise the next post will be a car or bike. Probably.

Technic 42002 Hovercraft Preview

Lego Technic 42002 Hovercraft 2013

New for 2013; Lego Technic Hovercraft

Today another Elf returned from the secret mission set deep within the basements of The LEGO Group’s labs in Billund, Denmark. Tasked with uncovering the as-yet-unreleased 2013 Technic sets, our Elves have been snooping for pictures of the sets you’ll be able to buy next year. The second Elf to return (hot on the heels of the first scoop posted earlier in the week) entered the office grasping this; the new Technic Hovercraft 42002.

LEGO have dabbled in Technic Hovercraft sets before, with mixed results, and this one to our eyes sits firmly mid-table amongst its forebears. Like all the 2013 releases it’s a 2-in-1 set, which is basically a fancy way of saying there’s a ‘B’ model too. 42002’s alternative build is a small propellor plane, and both the ‘A’ and ‘B’ models feature a V2 piston engine powered by forward movement, and… not much else. But the new Hovercraft is pleasing to look at, robust and it looks quite zoom-able.

Stayed tuned for the remaining 2013 new releases!