Tag Archives: LTM

Bigger Than it Looks

This is a Liebherr LTM 1100-4.2 mobile crane – well, a Lego version obviously – and it comes from Mateusz Mikołajczyk, making their TLCB debut with one of the most highly-detailed small-scale creations of the year so far.

Despite being only roughly Town-scale, Mateusz’s model looks much larger, thanks to some brilliantly intricate detailing, much of which utilises LEGO’s fiddliest tubes and clips.

The model works too, with a slewing superstructure, tilting control cab, working eight-wheel steering, functioning outriggers, and – most importantly for a mobile crane – an enormous three-stage extending boom complete with a working winch.

Superbly presented, there’s more to see of Mateusz’s Liebherr LTM 1100-4.2 at his Flickr album of the same name, where you can also find images of the model shown in a considerably larger configuration than it appears here.

Excellent Erection

Unlike Vladimir Putin, Dawid Boczek has a most excellent erection.

This is his spectacular Liebherr LTM 1070 4.2 mobile crane, a 7,000 piece, nine motor masterpiece with a frankly huge boom. Unlike Vladimir Putin.

Those nine motors power everything from the remote control eight-wheel-drive and six-wheel-steering to the boom slewing, elevation, extension, winch and pneumatic outriggers, making it really very clever indeed. Unlike Vladimir Putin.

Dawid’s incredible creation also features a few mechanical functions too, including opening and lockable doors, and live axle suspension, meaning it’s both secure and stable when things get rough. Unlike Vladimir Putin.

There’s lots more of Dawid’s brilliantly-engineered build to see at both the Eurobricks forum and his ‘Liebherr LTM 1070’ album on Flickr – click the links above to get it up!

Also, Vladimir Putin has a tiny penis*.

*Facebook unpublished our Group on their platform without warning for stating in a blog post that we’ve received threats in the past when we’ve criticised Putin (we have), so screw ’em, we can say what we want now!

White House Extraction

With the U.S Presidential Election recounts being rejected or – more amusingly – undertaken and still delivering the same result, rumour has it that a vehicle like this has been spotted on its way to the White House ready to extract America’s incumbent Commander in Chief.

Seeing as he spends most of his time either Tweeting or playing golf we’re not sure why he’s so bothered, as he can definitely continue to do those exciting pastimes once retired, but it seems that hoisting Trump out through the Oval Office roof might be the only way to remove him.

Much to our entertainment we can re-enact this upcoming squatter removal fantasy here in TLCB Towers, despite being thousands of miles from Washington DC, thanks to Dawid Szmandra and this fully remote controlled Liebherr LTM 1250-5.1 mobile crane.

No less than seven Power Functions motors are hidden inside Dawid’s model, providing a huge array of remotely controlled functionality. Along with working drive, all five axles can steer; turning both in unison or in opposite directions front to rear, allowing it to both ‘crab’ and steer conventionally, whilst the enormous crane boom can rotate, elevate, and extend.

Combined with a working winch this meant we could lower the hook into various Elves’ cage and pluck the unsuspecting inhabitants out through the top, in much the same manner as we hope the U.S authorities will do on January 20th. They probably won’t drive an enraged dangling Trump to the toilet and drop him in it though…

Whilst we dream of that unlikely eventuality via a tenuous Elven simile you can check out more of Dawid’s superb Liebherr LTM 1250-5.1 crane at his Flickr album and on YouTube, where a link to building instructions is available too.

Craning Trouble

Hmm. An Elf was waving at this TLCB Writer today. This not an unusual event in itself, but the Elf in question was at eye level. TLCB Elves, for all their ability to squeeze under things, behind things and break into TLCB executive washroom and sauna, are not able climbers. This is a Good Thing, because it means we can leave stuff on our desks and it won’t get stolen or eaten. An Elf at eye level shatters this security.

Fortunately the aforementioned Elf was not there of its own volition. Instead, it had been placed there by one of its brethren at the controls of this; Dawid Szmandra’s amazing fully remote controlled Liebherr LTM 1070-4.2 mobile crane.

With drive, steering, stabilisation, boom elevation, extension and rotation all controllable remotely via LEGO’s Power Functions IR system, there is a lot going on. Luckily for us this meant that the Elf at the controls had got it wedged in a pot plant in the corridor before any more mischief could be completed and we’ve now got the model under our own authority.

It’s a properly excellent bit of kit too, not only working beautifully but looking superb as well. Dawid is releasing instructions for his model if you fancy a go yourself, and you can check out more of the build at Dawid’s Liebherr LTM 1070-4.2 Flickr album by clicking here and via the YouTube video below.

YouTube Video


Magnificent Erection

Lego Liebherr LTM 1750 Mobile Crane

Huib van der Hart’s erection is so big it can’t be photographed. Thankfully he has managed to capture it in a more compact state, but even then it’s still absolutely massive. We’re talking about Huib’s unbelievable 1:16 scale Liebherr LTM 1750 mobile crane in BKV livery; all 18 wheels of it.

Huib’s model is – as you can see here – astonishingly well detailed, but that’s only half the build. Underneath that amazing exterior is a full Power Functions remote control drivetrain, with six XL Motors providing drive, seven Servo motors steering all nine axles, and a third-party SBrick providing control via bluetooth. There are also working LED lights throughout plus – of course – this model can get much, much bigger.

There’s a lot more to see of this incredible build at Huib’s Flickr photostream – click the link to make the jump, and ask him if he can try to get it up for a photo.

Lego Liebherr LTM 1750 Mobile Crane

Get It Up

Lego Liebherr Mobile Crane

Nick Barrett’s got a big one. It might not look it here, but this 15-wide Liebherr LTM 1130 mobile crane can grow to almost six feet tall! A four part extending boom is the key to such impressive length, utilising reels of string and a full-length ratchet mechanism (no linear actuators here). The entire superstructure can turn too, allowing the boom to slew left and right whilst the control cab can tilt to enable the driver to look along his huge appendage.

Working suspension on all five axles provides a smooth ride, and helps to keep the boom up when the going gets rough, a V8 piston engine is turned via axle 4, whilst steering on axles 1, 2 and 5 allows the crane to get into tighter positions. That’s quite a list, as Nick’s build is packed with playable features, and you can see more – including photos of the Liebherr in its fully-extended glory – at his MOCpage. Click the link to get it up!

Lego Liebherr Mobile Crane

1,277 Days

Lego Liebherr LTM 1090 4.1 Crane Sarens

That’s how long it took builder Dirk Klijn to design, engineer and construct this utterly spellbinding Sarens-liveried Liebherr LTM 1090 4.1 crane, in full road configuration with boom extension and 14 tons of counterweight.

Lego Liebherr LTM Crane Remote Control

Seventeen working motorised functions are controlled by no less than five third-party SBrick devices, making the Liebherr one of the most advanced Lego models that this site had ever featured, and if that wasn’t enough the model also features all-wheel suspension, a manually folding boom jib and two highly detailed accessible cabins.

Lego Remote Control Crane

Dirk’s model is also one of the most visually realistic creations we’ve ever found too, with a wealth of superb detailing further enhanced by custom decals produced by previous bloggee JaapTechnic, and full LED lighting.

Lego Technic Liebherr LTM Crane

A suitably large gallery of stunning imagery is available to view now at Dirk’s Flickr photostream – click this link to jump to Liebherr LTM 1090 4.1’s full album – we’ll see you there.

Lego Liebherr LTM Crane RC

Big Erection

Lego Liebherr Remote Control Crane

TLCB favourite ShineYu is back, and this time he’s brought a truly massive erection – an enormous, fully RC, and fully working, Liebherr LTM 1350 all-terrain crane.

Measuring almost a meter long and weighing over 10KG, ShineYu’s creation is of genuinely epic proportions, so much so that photographing it must’ve been a real challenge (we’ve even relaxed our ‘exclude any clutter from shot‘ rule to accommodate it!).

The model is driven by four XL Motors with two Medium Motors controlling the four steering axels. A further Medium Motor rotates the crane turnable whilst another two XLs take care of the boom elevation and extension. A final two XL Motors power the lifting winch. All of that power means that ShineYu’s LTM can lift a load of up to 2KG to 2 meters using unmodified official LEGO parts.

You can all the details of this incredible build at the Eurobricks discussion forum, where there’s also an extensive image gallery and a link to a video of the crane in action.

 Lego remote Control Liebherr Mobile Crane

Enormous Erection

Lego Liebherr LTM 1750 9.1 Northwest Crane

Huib van der Hart, aka LiftingBricks, likes to go big. So big in fact that LEGO don’t make wheels tough enough. His latest creation is this truly enormous Liebherr LTM 1750 9-axle crane and, apart from those wheels, it’s all LEGO. Six Power Functions XL motors power the drive, with another six Servos controlling the nine steering axles.

There’s more to come too, as currently the top half is a static display piece, but soon a further suite of Power Functions motors will bring life to the crane itself. You can see more of this remarkable creation, complete with sponsorship by Kanye West’s daughter*, on Flickr via the link above, and look out for the next stage of this build later in the year.

Lego Big Erection

*Not really

Massive Erection

Lego Liebherr LTM 1750-9.1

This absolutely enormous Liebherr LTM 1750-9.1 crane was suggested to us via the Feedback page, and it comes from Flickr builder and TLCB newcomer Dawid Szmandra.

Lego RC Crane Liebherr LTM 1750-9.1

Dawid’s stunning replica of the LTM utilises LEGO’s Power Functions system for a wide range of different movements, including drive, steering, boom elevation, extension, rotation, winching, and deployment of the outriggers and stabiliser feet – there are eleven motors in all! It’s a good thing then that the Elves didn’t find this before we did or there would have been much havoc in the office today.

You can see all of the (excellent) images at Dawid’s Flickr photostream via the link above, but to see what his Lego Liebherr LTM 1750-9.1 can really do you’ve got to watch the video below – if you think it looks big in the image above you ain’t seen nothing yet!

YouTube Video:

Mr. Blue Sky

Lego Liebherr Crane

This enormous chunk of Blue is the work of TLCB favourite Nick Barrett, and it’s mini-figure scale. Yup, that’s just how big a Liebherr LTM mobile crane is – even in mini-fig form it’s 10 studs wide and very very long. Nick has used the size well, engineering in all the working functions you’d expect to find on a model of a much larger scale, including progressive rate steering, working stabilisers, and of course a fully extending, raising and lowering boom. Nick’s Liebherr crane was suggested to us by a reader, and you can see more on both MOCpages and Flickr.

Lego Liebherr LTM Crane