Tag Archives: German

Ein Mann Ging Mähen…

Thanks to Google for what is no doubt a seamless translation of the well known nursery rhyme…

Whatever that title actually says, we do have a mower to share with you today, which will indeed allow one man to mow his meadow. It’s been affixed to a vintage German Eicher EKL 15 tractor as built (rather beautifully) by Flickr’s Damian Z aka Thietmaier.

Damian’s Eicher tractor is packed with lovely building techniques, including a fantastic set of mudguards, front drawbar steering, a wonderfully detailed engine and a side-mounted mower attachment constructed from many mini-figure hands.

There’s more to see of Damian’s brilliant build at his Eicher EKL 15 Flickr album; head to the meadow via the link in the text above.

Not a Car

Lego Prussian T3 Steam Locomotive

TLCB Elves haven’t brought much back over the past few days, but fear not readers, we have some cracking cars for you tomorrow! Until then, here is something that is definitely not a car, but it is rather lovely. This usually-scaled steam engine is a Prussian T3, as built by previous bloggee Nikolaus Lowe of Flickr in 12-wide Lego form. There’s more to see of this neat German steam locomotive at the link above, and we’ll see you tomorrow with some particularly awesome cars…

Fendt F231 GT

This charming little tractor was spotted by the Elves in the LUGNuts group on Flickr. Stefan‘s Fendt F231 GT is the type of machine that is gradually vanishing from farms as people invest in bigger, heavier more capable vehicles. We couldn’t find out much about this particular model and wondered if its “GT” designation actually meant that it was aimed at the Grand Tour of Europe’s roads, given its 35PS/bhp, 3 cylinder engine. Click this link to see more of Stefan’s models and click this link to see more Fendt F231 photos, including one with a caravan in tow.

Put a Tiger In Your Tank*

Lego Tiger Tank

Today’s amazing creation comes from one of the best Lego builders in the world, the brilliant Sariel. Sariel has featured here a few times over the years (use the Search function at the bottom of the page to see his previous works), and this might be his most impressively engineered creation yet.

It’s a Second World War German Tiger tank, and it’s had a lot stuffed inside it.** Underneath the beautifully recreated armour are no less than nine(!) LEGO motors, powering the drive, skid steer, barrel, machine gun, V12 piston engine and a whole lot more besides. All this rides on some remarkable oscillating suspended tracks that allow the Tiger to float over obstacles.

Lego World War RC Tank

You can see all the photos and specs on MOCpages via the link above, you can visit Sariel’s website via our Directory, and we highly recommend watching Sariel’s excellent video below, complete with that rarest of things in a Lego video – an ace soundtrack.

YouTube Video:

*Points to those of you who know the reference.

**Like your Mom.

Panzer II

Panzer II

Panzerkampfwagen II. Catchy

PA (Semper Fi) has created this wonderful WW2 Panzer II complete with desert camouflage. It’s a fitting tribute to the fighting in Africa, which is often ignored by builders who tend to favour Europe as their battleground. View it on Flickr.