Tag Archives: Arocs


Those working in Mercedes-Benz’s commercial vehicle naming department are much better at their jobs than their counterparts in the passenger car division. Whilst Mercedes-Benz cars are just a nonsensical collection of letterstheir trucks all have proper names. Although they must begin with the letter ‘A’ for some reason.

We have two here today, each found on Flickr and each recreating an A-named Mercedes-Benz truck brilliantly in Town(ish) scale.

First up (above) is Fuku Saku‘s exceptional Mercedes-Benz Arocs tipper truck, with detailing equal to what we would expect to find on a Model Team creation several times larger. There’s a superbly lifelike cab, a realistic tipping mechanism, and building instructions are also available. Head to Fuku’s photostream via the link above to take a look.

Today’s second small-scale Mercedes-Benz truck is the work of fellow previous bloggee Keko007, who has recreated the Antos in skip lorry form. Although just six-studs wide, Keko’s model not only looks recognisable, the skip hoist kinda works too, and there’s more to see at his ‘Mercedes Antos 2133 album’. Click the link above to make the skip over to Flickr.

Two Trucks Tuesday

Two Elves returned to TLCB Towers today, each with a red truck, and each hoping for a meal token as reward. Long-standing readers of this impoverished backwater of the internet will know that this usually only leads to one thing, and duly an Elf fight between the two applicants immediately erupted. Fortunately for them both finds are worthy of blogging, so both were patched up, awarded a meal token, and given a red Smartie. It’s nice to be nice sometimes. Anyway, the builds!

First (above) we have Lasse Delueran’s superbly rendered Renault Magnum. Named after a gun… or an ice cream… or a condom… the Magnum had the tallest cabin of any truck in production. We’re not sure why that matters but nevertheless the Magnum had it and it did look quite cool. Lasse’s version includes Power Functions remote control drive and steering, free instructions are available, and there’s more to see here.

Today’s second truck comes from Fuku Saku, and it too is a European ‘cab-over’, coming from rival truck manufacturer Mercedes-Benz. Fuku’s Arocs cab is mounted on an eight-wheel chassis with a tipping dump bucket behind it, and it includes one of the fiddliest, most fragile-looking, and most excellent grilles we’ve seen on model of this size. An extensive image gallery is available to view (demonstrating some really stunning photography too) and you can make the jump by clicking here.

Dump Shovel

Today’s title sounds like a larger version of what we use to clear up Elf droppings here at TLCB Towers, as if our smelly little workers were replaced by horses. Or giraffes. Fortunately they are really rather small, and thus this dumping and shovelling combo by Flickr’s Fuku Saku would do the job just fine. Each model is brilliantly detailed and there’s more to see at Fuku’s Mercedes-Benz Arocs album here.

Pumped Up Kicks**

The enormous contraption is a Mercedes-Benz mounted concrete pump, complete with a huge three stage extending boom that’s capable of servicing an entire constructions site*. This superb Technic version has been built by Ivan_M and it uses just a single motor to power a vast array of Technic functionality.

Thanks to a gearbox that single Power Functions motor drives everything from the extension of all four outriggers as well as their lowering, all three stages of the concrete pump’s boom extension (via pneumatics), plus the rotation of the boom arm.

The functions don’t stop there either, as Ivan_M has also included several mechanical features, including working steering with Ackerman geometry on the front two axles, all-wheel suspension, and a V8 piston engine under the tilting cab.

There’s much more of this remarkable creation to see on both Flickr and Eurobricks, where there’s also a video available demonstrating the truck’s functions with instructions to follow. Get pumped via the links above!

*Just like your Mom.

**Today’s title track

Great White

Lego Mercedes-Benz AROCS 4163

Previous bloggee Shineyu (aka Yu Kee Liu) is back on these pages again, this time with an impressive replica of Mercedes-Benz’s Arocs 4163 truck in heavy haulage specification. Underneath the superbly recreated body sits a set of twin Power Functions XL motors driving the two rearmost axles whist a Servo motor steers those at the front. There’s more to see at both the Eurobricks forum and on Flickr – click the links to take a look.

Lego Mercedes-Benz Arocs 4163 Truck RC


Lego Technic Mercedes-Benz Arocs 4463

The Lego Car Blog Elves have a long and bloody history with remotely controlled vehicles. Fortunately whilst the Elves are slow learners most remotely controlled Lego vehicles are slower still, and thus today’s find failed to bring about the wanton destruction so desired by the Elf that found it. Instead it’s actually delivering some Elven cheer, as several of our smelly little workers happily ride in it around the office. So what is this unusual Elven chariot?…

Lego Technic Mercedes-Benz Arocs 4463 Remote Control

Built by previous bloggee Shineyu, it’s a Mercedes-Benz Arocs 4463 8×4 tipper truck, and whilst its external realism marks it out as a Model Team creation, underneath it’s packed with proper Technic functionality. Twin Large Power Functions motors drive the two rearmost axles, another motor powers the steering for the front two, whilst a third motor drives the model’s party-peice; a huge tipping bucket. The Elf at the controls will probably discover that soon, but until then we’re content to let the Elves enjoy their ride. See more of Shineyu’s build at Eurobricks.

Lego Technic Mercedes-Benz Arocs 4463 Remote Control

Clockwork Orange

Lego Technic Mercedes-Benz Arocs Tipper Truck

We have a happy TLCB Elf in the office today. Contentedly munching on an orange Smartie (they’re the best kind), it found this brilliant mechanical-only Technic Mercedes-Benz Arocs tipper truck. Yup, mechanical only – meaning Thirdwigg’s Arocs tipper has completely eschewed Power Functions remote control for good ol’ fashioned hand-powered gears. This meant no Elven mayhem, no smushing, and a quiet and peaceful day for all. The Elves even seem to be enjoying this unusual state of affairs, but we’re sure that’ll change soon.

Lego Technic Mercedes-Benz Arocs Tipper Truck

Thirdwigg’s truck hasn’t eschewed functionality alongside electric power though, and it’s packed with all the working functions you’d expect a Technic model to have, including four-wheel steering, a working piston engine, a tilting cabin with opening doors, and a linear actuator controlled tipper mechanism.

We think Thirdwigg’s Arocs tipper truck would make a decent official Technic set, and you can see more of his build at both his Flickr photostream and via the Brickshelf gallery here.

Lego Mercedes-Benz Arocs

24 Legacy

Lego Technic Mercedes-Benz Arocs SLT

Ah, 24. A brilliantly innovative TV show that started out superbly and then went on for much, much, too long. With the ‘exciting’ news that Fox are commissioning the show’s return as a spin-off (sigh… seriously, just make something new you lazy feckless uninspired f…), we thought we’d jump on the bandwagon and post something 24-related, because we’re cynical and it’ll generate extra hits.

This is a 24 wheel Mercedes-Benz Arocs SLT and Nooteboom trailer combination, and just like the TV show it looks ridiculously, unnecessarily, long.

Unlike the TV show though, it’s superb all the way along. The truck is the work of newcomer JLW Bricks, and it’s very loosely associated with LEGO’s official 42043 Technic Mercedes-Benz Arocs set. With no Power Functions motors in (or out of) sight, JLW’s truck relies on some good old-fashioned mechanics for its functionality, and we like that very much. There’s working suspension on all four axles, Hand-of-God steering on the first two, and a replica straight-6 engine under the cab.

Attached at the rear, and adding another sixteen sets of wheels, JLW has recreated Jaap Technic‘s brilliant eight-axle Nooteboom trailer, making this one of the longest models that we can remember featuring.

There’s more to see of both the truck and trailer at the Eurobricks discussion forum, where there’s some excellent outdoor photography in evidence too. Click the link above to make the jump. Beep… Beep…  Beep… Beep…

Lego Technic Mercedes-Benx Arocs & Nooteboom

Town Truckin’

Lego DAF CF Tipper Truck

You don’t need 4,796 LEGO pieces to appear here at TLCB, because we love small creations too! One of our favourite Town scale builders, Flickr’s Smigol, recently uploaded a herd (what’s the collective term for trucks?!) of small-scale haulers.

Lego Mercedes-Benz Arocs Trucks

Each is an easily recognisable recreation of a real world truck, including a DAF CF tipper truck (top), a pair of Mercedes-Benz Arocs heavy-haulers (middle) and a DAF CF complete with cherry-picker load (below).

There’s lots more to see of each build plus Smigol’s other fantastic Town creations at his Flickr photostream – click this link to make the jump.

Lego DAF Truck

More Mercedes

Lego Technic Mercedes-Benz Arocs

Following the launch of LEGO’s 42043 Mercedes-Benz Arocs set earlier in the year the online Lego community has been churning our new variants at a prolific rate.

The latest to feature here comes fitted with a giant piece of Agrar agricultural equipment on the back which is remotely controlled by a Power Functions motor, with another powering its all-wheel-drive, a third controlling the steering, and a fourth operating the transmission.

Technic Mercedes Truck

Eric Trax is the builder behind it and there’s more to see on Brickshelf, the Eurobricks discussion forum here, and in the YouTube video below.

YouTube Video:

Flight Simulation – Picture Special

Lego Technic Mercedes Arocs

The Mercedes-Benz Arocs creations keep on coming! The latest to grace these pages comes from Eurobrick’s Samolot, and it’s one of the most impressive developments of LEGO’s 42043 set that we’ve seen thus far.

Featuring remote control drive and steering, suspension and pneumatic outriggers, Samolot’s Arocs truck includes as many functions as the official set, and that’s before you get to the junk in the trunk…

Lego Technic Mercedes-Benz Arocs Truck

Mounted over the rear wheels is a platform suspended by six pneumatic cylinders (controlled via a Power Functions electric compressor), which can raise, lower, pitch, and yaw. Insert some patrons into said platform along with a large TV screen and this Mercedes-Benz Arocs becomes a flight simulator ride!

Lego Technic Flight Simulator

Samolot’s creation is one of the engineering highlights of the year so far, and includes five Power Functions motors, three Power Functions switches, ten pneumatic cylinders and six meters of pneumatic hosing.

You can see all the details on Eurobricks by clicking here, alongside a full description and, best of all, a video of the flight simulator in action!

Lego Technic Remote Control Truck

Another Arocs

Lego Mercedes-Benz Arocs Truck

LEGO’s Technic Mercedes-Benz Arocs set is currently generating a huge response from the online community; we’ve publicised four home-built variants in the last week alone! This one, suggested to us by a reader, comes from previous bloggee Krzysztof Cytacki, and it’s so far the most similar build to the official set. But don’t let that fool you – it’s far from a minor modification.

Lego Technic Mercdes-Benz Arocs Truck

Krzysztof’s Arocs truck loses the official set’s 4-axle configuration in place of a 3-axel with rear-steer set up. It also features a grab arm, pneumatically operated stabilisers, and a hook-lift roll-off container, which is also powered by LEGO’s neat pneumatic system.

There’s lots more too see at Krzysztof’s Flickr photostream via the link above, and if you’d like to read more about the official Technic set that started the current trend you can do so via TLCB Set Review Library – click here to make the jump.

Lego Mercedes Truck

Pump Action – Picture Special

Lego Mercedes-Benz Arocs Concrete Pump Truck

Home-designed variants of LEGO’s own official 42043 Mercedes-Benz Arocs truck set are popping up all over the place at the moment, and this absolutely enormous 4-axle concrete pump is easily the biggest, the most complicated, and probably the most amazing variant we’ve seen so far.

Lego Technic Mercedes-Benz Truck

Built by Brickshelf’s waler, this remarkable Technic model faithfully replicates the huge truck-mounted concrete pumps that regularly service the needs of entire construction sites*.

Lego Mercedes-Benz Remote Control Truck

Featuring remotely controlled Power Functions drive and 4-wheel steering, LED lights, a tilting cab, a V6 piston engine, motorised out-riggers, rotating pump arm, and pneumatic compressor for the pneumatically raising and extending boom, Waler’s Mercdes-Benz Arocs is one of the most technically advanced builds of the year.

Lego Technic Mercedes-Benz Arocs RC

There’s an extensive gallery of over 40 superb images available to view on Brickshelf – join us there in amazement by clicking the link in the text above.

*Just like your Mom.

More Mercs

Lego Mercedes Arocs

LEGO’s latest flagship, the Technic 42043 Mercedes-Benz Arocs set, is currently generating a bit of a buzz in the online Lego Community, and Polish Lego group LUGpol has tasked its members with diversifying the official set by building a new vehicle from the original cab.

We featured a superb remotely controlled Arocs flatbed rescue truck here earlier, which we thought would be tough to beat, but Brickshelf’s GIJack might have taken the lead with his excellent 3-vehicle car transporter. Yes, you can fit not one, but three broken Fiats on-board. Or some nice shiny new cars of course.

There’s a full gallery of high quality images available on Brickshelf via the link above, plus you can read our Review of the official 42043 Mercedes-Benz Arocs set by clicking here.

Tilt ‘N Slide

Lego Mercedes-Benz Arocs Truck

The last four creations posted here have been remotely controlled, thanks to LEGO’s excellent Power Functions motor system, and today’s find makes it five-in-a-row. TLCB debutant Karol Czerwonka’s Mercedes-Benz Arocs recovery truck mixes LEGO’s electric motors and pneumatics systems to create a fully working under-lift and a brilliant tilting and sliding recovery bed.

There’s also functioning steering, a tilting cab with opening doors, and a working piston engine. In fact the only way Karol’s truck could be more realistic is if it included a Fiat on the back. You can see more of the Mercedes on both Brickshelf and Flickr – click the links for the full gallery of images.