Tag Archives: Friends

Friendly Fire

Lego Friends Star Wars B-Wing

The battle between the Dark Side and the… er, Pinkish-Purpley Side continues to rage. Following his previously featured ‘BFF Y-Wing‘, Flickr’s Tyler Sky has jumped to the other end of the Heartlake City Rebel Alliance Alphabet and built this delightfully colourful ‘Friendly B-Wing’. Don’t be fooled by the cutesy exterior though, as the extra large cockpit with two Friends on board allows one of them to focus solely on blowing stuff up. Join the friendly resistance at Tyler’s photostream by clicking here.

Friend in Me, You’ve Got

Lego Friends Y-Wing

As regular readers of this site will know, we’re not a blog that fully appreciates the wonders of the Star Wars franchise. Not so today, as this LEGO Friends Star Wars mash-up is the stuff dreams a made of! Flown by Rebel Alliance pilot Emma, with a gunner and an all-important on-board pet, Tyler Sky (aka Bricksky)’s ‘BFF Y-Wing’ is ready to defend Heartlake City from the forces of the Dark side.

Lego Friends Y-Wing

Ingenious details are in abundance throughout the model, and Tyler has even built a hanger for BFF Y-Wing maintenance and Heartlake City Rebel Alliance tea parties. Join the fight against the Dark Side and make new Friends via the link to the BFF Y-Wing album above!

Lego Friends Star Wars Y-Wing


Lego Friends Dodge T-Rex RC

We never understood why Barney the Dinosaur was so friendly. Always happy to dance awkwardly and sing a humiliating song, we longed for the day when he’d go feral, eat the children and maul a producer. We’re still waiting for that day to come, but in the meantime we can get our fix of destruction and violence (and an excuse for a clever title) with this brilliant LEGO Friends-themed remote control Dodge T-Rex.

Powered by an XL Motor, plus another two for steering, this colourful 6-wheel-drive creation will climb over almost anything. And it’ll easily squash a group of fleeing Elves if one of their number is at the controls.

Previous bloggee Desert752 Kirill is the builder and you can see more of his friendly T-Rex on MOCpages via the link above, or at the Eurobricks forum here, plus you can see it in action on a tough-looking Truck Trial course courtesy of the video below.

YouTube Video:

Matt LeBlanc Hosting Top Gear?…

Lego Top Gear

Occasionally we dip into the news here at TLCB, and today is one such day. Speculation has been rife as to who will join Chris Evans for the re-launched BBC Top Gear later this year, from models to motorbike racers the press seem to have a new ‘confirmed’ co-host every other week.

Well now it’s our turn. It’s Matt Le Blanc. Yes the actor from Episodes, Joey from Friends, and the fastest Star In a Reasonably Priced Car is set to join the show as co-host this year. You heard it here first!* If we’re right (we’ve even beaten the BBC themselves to this…) you can expect to read this story in the major news outlets very soon.

You can read our other posts relating to the Top Gear story, which include the wonderful caricatures of past hosts Jeremy, Richard and James by Ralph Savelsberg above, by clicking here.

*Our Elves are everywhere.

Modular Rodular

Lego Hot Rods

All of these brilliant Town-scale hot rods were discovered by one TLCB Elf, an Elf who is by far the luckiest in TLCB history, and who is soon likely to be the fattest in TLCB history too.

They all come from Flick’s Tim Henderson, who has designed a neat modular chassis to which a variety of body-styles and engines can be quickly and easily attached.

To demonstrate his systems’ flexibility Tim has built nine hot and rat rods using the same common architecture, and every single one looks thoroughly excellent. If there was any idea ideally suited to, er… LEGO Ideas, this is surely it.

Lego Town Hot Rod Rat Rod

Tim’s platform can be constructed in a variety of lengths to suit different applications, and it can fit both a traditional mini-figure and a Friends figurine behind the wheel.

You can see all of Tim’s hot and rat rods as well as the platform that unites them at his photostream – click here to make the jump to Flickr.

Lego Hot Rods


Lego MA.K

With SHIPtember over a few days ago the online Lego Community needed another tenuously named month in order to function. Rumour has it that without such months certain quarters of the online community would just pace around in circles, unable to decide what to do. So behold, MAKtober!

‘But what is MAKtober?’ we hear you cry. Well, here at The Lego Car Blog we pride ourselves on our highly professional excellent working knowledge of Lego-related trends. And we have absolutely no idea. Still, if D-Town Cracka‘s ‘Applecart’ self-propelled gun is an indication of what we’re likely to see, we’re all for MAKtober. Whatever it is.

Find out more via the links above.

Drop Dead Gorgeous

Lego Girl Mech

Does my bum look big in this?

Stuart Lucus’ Vogue V-19 Mech is designed for those who, when rampaging and running amok in an armoured robotic suit, want to look the business while they’re at it. In a fetching green and purple combo, the V-19 is the perfect gift for your girlfriend to go alien-crushing in. Visit the Vogue Store now to place your order!

Eurobricks Contest: Summer of Friends

Summer of Friends – Vehicle Contest

A couple of Lego Car Blog Elves returned from Eurobricks today with information on their latest MOC contest, “The Summer of Friends”. The competition has three categories, one of which is for Friends-related vehicles, perfect for you lot.

As Pandora, one of the organizers, puts it: “For this category all you have to do is build any type of Friends inspired vehicle of any size, as long as it is minidoll scale.”

So get cracking. We’re looking forward to seeing many great Friends vehicle MOCs! For further information visit Eurobricks here.

Coolness on Wheels

Lego Friends Ice Cream Van

Girls just want to have fun. And ice cream. And sometimes both…  Stephanie, Andrea and their Friends are no exception, so there was a need in Heartlake City for this cool vehicle; a tasty Ice Cream Van, delivered by a great car builder, LegoManiac.

Sweet, isn’t it? We think Steph and her Friends will have a great time during their first summer in Heartlake City.

Girl’s Tank

To the Mall!

Just the thing for picking up some new shoes, or crushing the car of a sexist blogger, Mahjqa has built a tank for girls. Check it out on Flickr.

YouTube Video:


The one with the Corvette

Friends Corvette

Pheobe and Monica. Add Rachel for twice the awesome

LEGO’s new ‘Friends’ line has caused quite a bit of controversy online (apparently girls aren’t allowed to like pink anymore). Hoping to redress the balance is EROL, who’s given the girls a Corvette to take to the mall the racetrack. Show your appreciation on Flickr.