Tag Archives: Racer

Space Race

It’s sometime in the next century, and Formula 1 is still the world’s foremost race series in the hands of Liberty Media. There are now 43 races each season (not counting the sprints), with half of those taking place in the skies above America!

Nineteen of the world’s best pilots (plus Lance Stroll, who’s still looking for his first win) are competing to become World Champion, and previous bloggee David Roberts can exclusively showcase two of the machines that have been piloted to glory so far.

Orange 6‘ is one of the fastest atmo-and-space racers yet, being both highly manoeuvrable and fitted with an underside cannon able to spike viewing figures with remarkable effectiveness whenever Liberty need a little extra pizzaz.

It needs it too, what with ‘Green 21‘ being otherwise dominant in the hands of multiple-World Champion Max Velocity.

Will No.6 manage to blast past Max? Will Liberty Media find space to squeeze in another US Grand Prix? And will Stroll finally get that maiden win in return for his father’s billions? Click the links above to tune in!

Space Race

This natty racing spaceship is one of the many creations now available to buy at this year’s awesome Creations for Charity store, where all the proceeds are used to buy LEGO sets for disadvantaged children this Christmas. Builder Cole Blaq has donated this creation and you can find it, and a whole lot more besides, at the Creations for Charity 2023 shop via the link above. Take home an amazing one-off creation and you’ll be doing something amazing for underprivileged children too. It doesn’t get any better than that.


This is the Walchester Brambleshark, and you’d be forgiven for not knowing what it is because it, well… doesn’t exist. But Vince Toulous’ incredible creation is based on the stunning real concept artwork of John Frye, resulting in an inspired machine that is part vintage British Land Speed Record car, part endurance racer, part aircraft.

A suite of curved green, clear Star Wars canopies, and the coolest rear stabilising fins we’ve ever seen create a jaw-dropping shape, and there’s more to see of Vince’s beautiful brick-built concept at his ‘Walchester Brambleshark’ album on Flickr; take a look via the link.

Cyber Wednesday

Cyberpunk is just one of the many sub-genres of Lego building about which we know nothing. Sci-Fi? Nope. Steampunk? Nope. Sky-Fi? Nope. Cyberpunk? Hard nope. To be honest if it isn’t a car built after about 1955, we’re going to struggle. In fact we’re constantly amazed that this site functions at all. Still, these two cyberpunkesque vehicles do look deeply cool, even if we have no idea what they’re for or do. Flickr’s incredibly talented Tino Poutiainen owns the mind behind them, and you can get the answers that we don’t have at his photostream. Click the link above to make the jump.

Moon Muscle

Flickr’s Febrovery build-a-thon is drawing to a close. There have been some wonderful entries so far which we have… er, missed completely, seeing as a) we don’t understand sci-fi and b) we’re interested in things far more mundane at the moment…

Had we not blogged this one though, TLCB Elves would’ve started a riot, as it’s really not mundane at all. Frost (aka TFDesigns) owns the mind behind this glorious rover-based muscle car homage, which is fitted with some of the most splendid wheels we’ve ever seen.

Racing stripes and a giant wing complete the Elven excitement, and there’s more to see of his marvellous moon-based muscle car at his photostream. Take a look via the link above, and we’ll be back with some things far more mundane tomorrow…


A new attempt at a ‘Dune’ movie arrived in cinemas this month, which – unlike past films baring the name – actually looks rather good. Cue today’s creation, which is entitled ‘Fresh Duner’, so we’re in no way using the aforementioned film to trick unwitting movie-goers to this crumbling corner of the internet.

The ‘Fresh Duner’ comes from Martin Vala, and it looks like a combination of a Dakar and Extreme E racers. Martin’s constructed it in Gulf colours too, which would be ironic if it raced in the latter formula, but nevertheless it looks fab here.

The brilliantly bodywork sits atop a wonderfully life-like chassis, with brick built steering and suspension components adding a dose more realism to Martin’s concept racer. A desert backdrop completes the build, and there’s more to see of Martin’s ‘Fresh Duner’ at his photostream via the link above.

Cosmic Cocktail

All the best racing sponsors are selling something that’s bad for you. Cigarettes, beer, cigarettes, energy drinks, and cigarettes were the mainstay of motorsport advertising, before doctors pointed out that it might not be a great idea to promote things that killed people.

These days tobacco companies are effectively banned from motorsport sponsorship (although Scuderia Ferrari are always willing to cash a ginormous cheque), however purveyors of alcohol are still permitted to hawk their wares to racing fans.

The upside of this is some of the coolest liveries in motorsport are still seen today, and – accordingly to David Roberts at least – will continue to be seen for some time yet.

This is David’s ‘Martin I’s Racer’, with a livery that looks a lot like the one used by a certain gin and vermouth-based cocktail company.

Further details and a backstory of drinking puns can be found at David’s photostream – grab yourself a mixer and head to the bar, er… we mean ‘galactic racing circuit’ via the link above.

Chess Surfing

Has anyone ever played chess whilst surfing? Probably. After all, there’s chess boxing, which is just as ridiculous, although you’re less likely to lose your pieces doing that.

Cue David Roberts‘ ‘Wipeout Racer’, named after a video game that’s named after a surfing fail, and coloured like a chess board. Or a British police car. Or a Victorian cake. Or TLCB Towers kitchen floor. But none of those made for a tenuous title link.

Anyway, David’s chess surfing spaceship is apparently coloured as it is to cause other pilots to crash, or ‘wipeout’… See, it all makes sense.

There’s more to check (hah!) out at David’s photostream – surf on over via the link above!


We’re effectively children here at TLCB, thus we find bright colours very stimulating, particularly when they’re deployed in a manner such as this. David Roberts‘ ‘Sunray’ takes its cues from the classic video game ‘Wipeout’ and there’s more to see of his superbly liveried anti-gravity racer at his photostream – click the link above make the jump.

*Today’s excellent alternative title song.

Neon Swooosh!

Which is like a regular ‘Swooosh!’, only with more noble gas. This is Sylon-tw‘s ‘Cyber Neon Circuit’ racer, complete with ginormous glowing engines, a pair of rather interesting looking mini-figure pilots, and the coolest directional road sign we’ve ever seen. Click the link above to join the race!

Sci-Friday I

OK, this is definitely not a car, but it somehow manages to look a little bit like a vintage racer, so it’d almost be rude for us not to blog it. Edward Lawrence is the builder and there’s more to see on Flickr here.

Elven Conundrum

This TLCB Writer uttered something containing such wildly offensive profanity when he entered TLCB Towers this morning that even this site, a cesspool of litany, is unable to publish it.

Elves (and Elven bodily fluids) were everywhere. Squashed into the carpet, slammed against walls, wandering round in circles being sick – clearly something had arrived into the halls of the building with a capability for Elven destruction unmatched in the history of this establishment’s existence.

At the end of the corridor, upside-down with a wheel missing, that ‘something’ was discovered. This is it, Kirill Mazurov (aka Desert Kirill / desert752)’s incredible ‘SUV Racer MK II’.

Sitting on top of LEGO’s enormous 42054 Claas Xerion 5000 tyres, powered by four hub-mounted Buggy Motors, with portal axles, independent suspension, and a pair of BuWizz bluetooth bricks delivering eight times the power of LEGO’s own system, Kirill’s creation takes Lego to a place where it probably shouldn’t be.

It’s also a model that the Elves would absolutely love, had they not been chased down and flattened by it. A racing stripe (in orange no less) and Rally Fighter-esque bodywork give Kirill’s model an unusually racy exterior for an off-roading machine, whilst the rear looks a bit like a 1980s Alfa Romeo GTV.

We have no idea where the Elf is that found it, as the culprit has disappeared after overturning their find in the corridor, but it’ll be back later to claim a meal token. Before then we have a lot of tidying up to do, and possibly a few visits to the Elf ‘Hospital’ to make too, so whilst we get on with that (this job absolutely does not pay enough) you can check out more of Kirill’s amazing creation at both his Flickr photostream and at the Eurobricks discussion forum.

Remote Control

Normally a mixture of Elves and remote control vehicles heralds chaos and destruction across The Lego Car Blog’s offices. Fortunately this excellent model from Arran Hearn lacks the Power Functions that our workforce require for “fun”. It’s left to us to enjoy the look of the build and neat connections that make its shock absorbers. As well as the control unit in the background of the photo, Arran has built a full-sized radio control unit in Lego. Click on the link in the text to see Arran’s work or click here for today’s British pop song in the title.

Duty Free

Formula Zero Gravity Lego

On every flight there’s always one. That lady or gentleman who – when booze is marginally cheaper courtesy of airport tax free shopping – decides to optimise this saving. “I’ll just get a few bottles to take home” they say. Sure they will. Those bottles will be empty before they’ve even boarded. Anyway, this post is for them – and to that one guy who tries to smoke in the airplane toilet – as these models are literally encouraging drinking/smoking and flying.

With most countries doing what Formula 1 wouldn’t (because F1 is all about the monies), and banning alcohol and cigarette sponsorship in sport, alcoholic beverage and cigarette companies are no longer seen on the side of Formula 1 cars.

But there are no rules in space…

This is Formula Zero Gravity, an invention by British Lego Group Brickish, and they’re single-handedly bringing morally-dubious sponsorship back to top level racing! Two of motorsport’s greatest liveries have made the return so far (with more to come), with Nick Barrett’s stupendous Martini Racing F0 racer above, and Jeremy Williams’ gorgeous John Player Special F0 racer below.

There’s more to see of Nick’s build at both his MOCpage and photostream, and you can view Jeremy’s courtesy of Flickr here. Enjoy your flight!

Formula Zero Gravity Lego

Turbo Terrific

Lego Wacky Races Turbo Terrific

And now here they are! The most daredevil group of daffy drivers to ever whirl their wheels in the Wacky Races, competing for the title of worlds wackiest racer! The cars are approaching the starting line… First is the Turbo Terrific driven by Peter Perfect!

The eighth wonderful Wacky Races build by Flickr’s Redfern1950s, this one is definitely the most ambiguous. It’s also your Mom’s favourite for some reason. See more at the link above, and you can check out all of the Wacky Races builds to appear here so far by clicking here.