Tiny Tanks

You don’t need a million bricks to build something blog worthy! This tiny tank by Flickr’s GolPlaysWithLego uses just handful of parts and yet looks brilliant in its simplicity. Even more so when it’s comically blowing up another tiny tank in an amusing Worms-esque style. See more at the link!


Nope, not that Spanish exchange girl from your youth that you always wish you’d kept in touch with, but this rather neat steam corvette sailing under Chilean colours. Built for the Chilean Navy by a British shipyard in the 1850s this Esmeralda is one of several Chilean warships to carry the name, and was sunk […]

Mega Micro Space

Rat Dude has built this tiny version of the classic 6989 Mega Core Magnetizer. It comes complete with a telescopic grab arm and little rover, just like the original. There’s also a very neat helicopter, featuring some ice-lolly NPU. Being a food item, it was instantly spotted by the TLCB Elves. Click the link at […]

I Can’t Contain Myself

All the best things arrive in boxes. Fish fingers, LEGO sets, TLCB Elves. OK, maybe not the last one (and cages aren’t really boxes anyway), but pretty much everything else cool in the world will have reached you this way, even if it’s not packaged in a box itself. Enormous container ships like this one […]

Biggie Smalls

Some things are a lot smaller than you expect them to be. At least that’s what your Mom said to this TLCB Writer the other night. Anyway, this enormous mobile exploration base by Flickr’s Robert Heim isn’t actually enormous at all. In fact the entire front is made out of a mini-figure torso and jet […]


You may have noticed that, despite the title, there are no windows along the side of today’s vehicle. That’s because this is not a bus, rather a Büssing 8000 flatbed truck, a brand we hadn’t heard of until today. However Büssing were one of Germany (and therefore Europe)’s largest truck makers, and to an extent they still […]

Size Isn’t Everything

At least, that’s what your Mom told this TLCB writer. It’s a philosophy adopted by Flickr’s LEGO 7 too, who has constructed this charming micro-scale scene in which none of the vehicles are more than two studs in width. They’re all instantly identifiable though, with a taxi, police car, excavator, cement truck, ambulance, semi truck, […]

A Simpler Life

Many is the time when we sit back in our luxury reclining office chairs at TLCB towers and reflect on how we got to where we are today as some of the world’s leading automotive Lego bloggers and Elf keepers. Perhaps our road to becoming petrol-heads started with wooden toys such these ones built by […]

Building the Panama Canal – 2000451 Set Preview

One of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World, the Panama Canal opened just over 100 years ago, taking over 30 years to complete and costing an estimated 28,000 people their lives. Started by the French in the 1880s, the project was completed by America in 1914, whereupon it completely transformed the worldwide shipping industry. […]

Classic Micro Scale

Readers of a certain age (and this writer), will be whisked straight back to their childhoods by this brilliant Classic Space layout from Primoz Mlakar on Flickr. Promoz has captured in micro-scale the type of image that millions of children looked at in wonder during the early 1980s in catalogues such as this. Click the link […]

Marion 5760 ‘The Mountaineer’ | Picture Special

This might just be the most impressive thing you’ll see today. Yes, even more so than whichever bottle cap challenge video has gone viral. This is the Marion 5760 mining shovel known as ‘The Mountaineer’, the first giant stripping shovel ever built and still the eighth largest to be constructed. Completed by the Marion Power […]

Tiny Tatra

You don’t need ten thousand bricks to appear here at The Lego Car Blog. Around sixty will do. At least that’s all Flickr’s František Hajdekr needed to build this lovely Tatra fire truck. See more via the link above.

A Tiny Giant

Looking at gonkius’s PhotoStream, we’re pretty sure that he already owns a 42055 Bucket Wheel Excavator. Is one enough? Obviously not, judging by this nice little bit of micro-scale building. Once again proving that it’s not how many bricks you have but what you do with them, our Elves’ tiny minds were instantly attracted to this […]

Still Not a Car

Time to feature another ship on TLCB, only this time it’s of the space-going variety. Birds of Prey usually strike fear into the hearts of TLCB Elves as they roam the highways and byways, searching for Lego models. Quite a few of our workforce have become tasty* snacks for kestrels and buzzards over the years. […]

Micro Crane

We love a good crane here at The Lego Car Blog. After supercars, cranes are one of the types of model that we seem to blog the most. Be they teeny tiny or monstrous, cranes are a favourite topic. Today’s crane comes from TLCB regular Galaktek. Many of the working features that you’d expect to see […]